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Laddingford St Mary's

C of E Primary School

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Where did English come from?

At Laddingford, we recognise that spelling is one of the most challenging aspects of the English language due to our large number of graphemes (letters or groups of letters) to represent our relatively small number of phonemes (sounds). Following letters and sounds, we teach children the most common and widespread forms first before we delve deeper into some of the less common spellings. We also aim to give these meaning by exploring why English has this rich and complex variety looking at the history and development of the language.

In Reception and Year 1, spelling teaching revolves around our high-quality phonics teaching and the learning of the common exception words (CEWs) - these are words that are frequently used in English that do not conform to the phonic rules children learn at the beginning of school.


We use No Nonsense Spelling from Year 2 onwards, believing that correct spellings have their root in a secure understanding of phonics right up into Year 6. Many difficult spellings are difficult purely because they use unfamiliar combinations of letters (graphemes) to make the sounds (phonemes) in the words. As such, we teach spellings as an extension to phonics in KS2. We also introduce etymology - where words come from - and morphology - how words are structured - to enrich and bring meaning to the teaching and learning of spellings.


In Years 3-6 (KS2), we send home 8 weekly spellings for children to learn. 2 of these will be 'recap' spellings of words they've previously learned. 2 will be from their word lists - these can be found in the National Curriculum Spelling appendix below. 4 will be words that all share the same spelling rule. These spellings will also be available on your child's class page. Year 1 and 2 will also receive weekly spelling tests based on their phonics teaching and the common exception words.

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