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Laddingford St Mary's

C of E Primary School

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School Uniform


At Laddingford we take pride in how our pupils present themselves and have a practical and simple uniform for all children. Basic items like trousers, skirts, summer dresses and white shirts and polo-shirts can be purchased in any retail outlet as long as they conform to the general uniform guidelines. Having items with the school logo is optional, (sweaters, cardigans, PE shirts, book bags and PE Bags) these can be purchased via Brigade. School ties can be purchased from the School Office.


School uniform requirements


Pippin & Russet (EYFS & KS1)

Winter: Mid-grey trousers, skirt or dress and a white polo shirt

School v neck jumper/cardigan

White, grey or black socks or tights

Summer: Mid-grey shorts or skirt and a white polo shirt, or a red and white gingham checked summer dress 

School sweatshirt/cardigan 

White, grey or black socks or tights

Shoes: Black school shoes or plain black trainers


Jazz & Bramley (KS2)

As above, except that children in these classes should wear a shirt and school tie, instead of a polo shirt. 

Shoes: Black school shoes or plain black trainers


Whole School PE

PE Kit: Plain black shorts/leggings

Plain red T-shirt 

Black plimsolls for indoor (plain trainers may be worn for outdoor activities)

Black tracksuit optional for winter/outdoor PE lessons


Labelling of uniform items

Please ensure that all items of your child’s school uniform are clearly labelled. Inevitably in the course of a school term items get lost or mixed up and we can avoid hours of fruitless searching by having clearly named clothes. Special labelling pens or generic or customised labels can be purchased in a number of retail outlets or ordered from the internet.


Jewellery, Make-up and Valuables

It is our school policy to discourage children from wearing jewellery during school hours. The exception is small stud earrings for children with pierced ears. However, for health and safety reasons, even these need to be removed during PE lessons. If your child is wearing stud earrings please ensure they are able to remove these. If you are planning to pierce your child’s ears, this should be done at the beginning of the summer holiday so they can leave them in for the required length of time.


Children are not allowed to wear any form of make-up including facial make-up, nail varnishes and perfumes. We seek parental co-operation in maintaining natural colours for hair and hairstyles. Shoulder length hair must be tied.


Children should not bring any valuables into school as there is a high risk of loss or damage. It is up to the discretion of the teachers to confiscate those items until the end of the school day.


If any pupils are in Year 6, written permission from their parents to walk home, by themselves, after school they may bring in a phone to be left at the School Office during the school day.

Follow the link below to buy school uniform.

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