Contact Details
- 01622871270
Darman Lane, Laddingford, Maidstone, Kent ME18 6BL
Laddingford St Mary's
C of E Primary School
Who are we?
The FLS is a voluntary group, working to raise funds so that Laddingford School can continue to provide a bright, stimulating and inspiring place for our children.
We organise a whole host of events and activities, which we hope provide a bit of fun for kids and grown-ups alike, whilst raising invaluable funds for the school. Fundraising is especially important for a smaller community school like ours, so we really value any support you are able to give.
How can you get involved?
There are many ways you can help support your school, from joining the FLS committee (we’d love to bolster our numbers!), to helping run an event, donating for raffles or just donating funds as and when you can. Come and chat to us in the playground (or if you see us in the village) or drop us a note via email ( or and we can tell you more.
What’s coming up?
We are holding our annual Christmas Fair on Saturday 8th December, in association with the village Christmas Fair Committee. We will have fun family games, face painting, Name the Teddy and raffles, to name just a few. Further information has been sent to families by email, if you haven't received it, please contact Jodie Moat in the school office.
We are working on our programme of events for the academic year and hope to get that sent out via school in the coming weeks.
Fathers Day Breakfast Friday 16th June
The Chequers Inn hosted our annual Fathers Day Breakfast on Friday 16th June, a chance for dads to have breakfast with their children before a short walk to school. Thank you to everyone who came along, and to those who ordered Fathers Day gifts to make in our workshop. Fundraising total to be confirmed.
Mother's Day Tea
Thank you so much to everyone who came along and supported the Mother's Day tea on Thursday 23rd March. It was great to see so many of you there and having a great time. It was a lovely atmosphere and loads of fun for us too!
We're especially grateful to everyone who contributed to the event with time and help on the day, baking scones, loaning teapots and help with the beautiful Mother's Day plants. It was a great team effort and we're delighted to say that we raised (final count pending!) around £350, which is a fantastic total.
We hope that as many Dads will be able to make it along to our Father's Day breakfast!
(see below for details)
What else have we been up to?
So we try to run a regular program of fun activities throughout the school year. We kicked off 2017 with the sponsored bounce which the children all really enjoyed. Their day of bouncing also raised a fantastic total, over £700, so thank you very much to all who contributed, it really does make such a difference.
We also worked with the rest of the village on the totally festive Christmas Fayre in December. With stalls, games, sausages, carols and a visit from Father Christmas himself, it was a great afternoon and we hope you and the children enjoyed it as much as we did. Pulling together such a big event required a huge amount of time and effort so we’re truly grateful to everyone who was involved. We raised a massive £1,500 for the school, which is an enormous contribution to school funds. A great big THANK YOU to everyone involved, especially Charles and Tracey and the team at The Chequers Inn for hosting.
Where does the money go?
The FLS has been able to fund some fantastic projects over the years, thanks to the time, efforts and generosity of parents and friends of Laddingford School. Inspiring outdoor spaces, as well as more practical work to update tired and damp classrooms and mis-matched furniture, has all helped keep the school a fun and welcoming place where children are happy to come and learn.
If you would like to help the FLS financially, you can make a cheque payable to Friends of Laddingford School and hand in at the school office.
Alternatively, you can raise money for our school while doing your normal internet shopping, just register with Easy Fundraising at the link below.
Darman Lane, Laddingford, Maidstone, Kent ME18 6BL