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Laddingford St Mary's

C of E Primary School

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School success begins with school attendance, children who attend school most regularly achieve most highly. At Laddingford we expect parents to ensure that their children attend regularly, OFSTED define this as attendance of at least 96%.




We work with SEAAS, the South Eastern Attendance Advisory Service to monitor the attendance of all pupils and support parents who may be finding this difficult. If you have any concerns or would like advice and support regarding your child’s attendance you can make an appointment with SEAAS via the school office




100% Attendance

0 days of learning missed

95% Attendance

2 weeks of learning missed

90% Attendance

4 weeks of learning missed

85% Attendance

5½ weeks of learning missed

80% Attendance

At least 7½ weeks of learning missed






Leave of Absence in term time


For obvious reasons leave of absence in term time should be avoided at all costs. Time away during the teaching term represents a considerable loss of valuable time for teaching and learning. Where a leave of absence in term time is unavoidable, prior permission must be sought from the Headteacher by completing a leave of absence request form, obtainable from the office well before any dates are arranged. The school reserves the right to refuse leave of absence requests in individual cases and they will not be authorised except in exceptional circumstances. Please ensure that all notifications of absence are worded formally as requests.


We support the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices for unauthorised leave of absence taken during term time. This would mean a fine of £120.00 per child per parent. If it is paid within 28 days the amount will be reduced to £60. Further details about fixed penalty notices can be obtained from SEAAS.

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