Polls are a rough way of tracking how popular parties are with voters in the run-up to an election. The problem with polls is that they're notoriously inaccurate in predicting the actual outcome of elections! Don't forget that our school voting system is modelled on our real 'first-past-the-post' voting system. A party needs to win a majority of the classes (not forgetting the staff vote!) to win outright. The actual share of votes they get might not reflect how many classes they win in.
Poll for Tuesday 10th December: If you had to vote now, which party would you vote for? (n = 68)
Poll for Monday 9th December: If you had to vote now, which party would you vote for? (n = 30)
Analysis: Monday's poll results appear to show a strong lead for the Red party. However, there are several problems with this poll: firstly, the sample is small (n = 30 means that 30 people responded) and, due to the nativity dress rehearsal, was made up mainly of the older children in the school. Tomorrow's poll of all classes, following our debate in assembly and question and answer sessions in classes, might show something very different...