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Laddingford St Mary's

C of E Primary School

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Young Creators Award Winner!

Back in June, James - now in Year 3 - wrote and illustrated a brilliant story book, ‘How to Deal with a Bugly-Whump’. It was so brilliant, he won the 'Young Creators Award Winner 2019' in the  ReadingZone Picture Book Competition, a national competition for children aged four to 18 to create their own picture book.  His prize was £100 of books for his school awarded by Macmillan Children's Books. 


Because he created this book in his own time, outside school, Macmillan agreed that this prize can be given to Laddingford Primary, even though he did not attend this school at the time. They arrived this week and have been shared between the classrooms so that everyone can enjoy them.


James' winning entry can be viewed here.


Well done James!

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